





結婚過一週年了  我還是常常會問老公 "你愛不愛我?  你到底有多愛我?" 


哈~~~  身為一位不聰明的女人  當然我會問的問題  絕對不是只有這樣囉


老公每次一聽到就會笑著說  "我當然愛妳啊  愛妳在心裡!!"


這句話呢  是老公一貫的官方回答  我是已經朗朗上口啦


可是  難道就這麼沒創意嗎?  就真的只有這樣嗎?


我想  只要一天沒有聽到不一樣的新詞  我就一天不會放過他的吧  哈哈.....


有時候  我甚至會問  "說~~~  你以前有幾位女朋友?  都和他們去哪裡玩?"


(之所以會這樣問的原因是因為.....  每次去一個地方玩的時候  老公不經意會說  "我以前來玩過"


我知道我是沒去過啦  那是他跟誰去啊??)  怎降白目啊!?


所以  只要老公自己白目在先  我就一定會再多問一次他以前追過誰誰誰  都做些什麼?


其實  我心知肚明  他曾經看上眼的有誰  也可以背出他以前的愛情故事啦




老公說不出甜蜜的好聽話   但是   我也是可以知道他對我的愛


他很多方面  倒是很符合這文章裡面提到的


男人嘛  為何就是不能坦然一點  大方一點  好好大聲說愛  大方表現愛呢?




老公~~~  你要多多學習喔!










大阿姨喔~~~  思維知道妳和瑪迷都找到了


所以   妳要記得跟 汪達阿姨 和 小阿姨 交代ㄋㄟ













看!!!  我現在長大了  還是一樣可愛   不管誰見了都會愛我喔 


(聽說 我把拔 跟 我大姨丈 每次都只能說  "想當年  我小的時候  也是很可愛啊"  唉~~~  啊當年是當年啊    大家都嘛知道吧...... )


我絕對相信就算我長大人  還是會跟現在一樣可愛啦


妳看  誰可以和我有這樣欲言又止的不好意思表情呢?














To my dearest sisters,

I just want to tell you that I am really lucky to be your eldest sister in the family.

I always enjoy my time with all of you.






Dear Phoebe,

I think you 've been an excellent mother since your lovely son was born.

Besides, you have married a great guy you can count on in the rest of your life.

I'd like to share this article with you because I bet you'll understand my feelings well as you read it.












Dear WeiChuen,

I know you quite enjoy your single life now.

However, you'll never know "how it goes" if you never experience it at least once, right?

You must be aware that your Mr. Right has been waiting for a long long time. Be a good girl and don't make him wait any longer, OK?

I'd like to share this article with you, too. Hopefully, you'll meet the unique person who is totally fit your missing part very soon.













Dear Chung,

I am so happy that you're coming home next week.

Congratulations!!! You've acquired your MA degree. I'm soooo proud of you.

You are really a big girl now.

Take your time to find a job and meet someone to settle down later. GOOD LUCK!














PS. 附上今天我家客廳窗前傍晚景色兩張   我喜歡............





    創作者 修替與萊特的娘 的頭像


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